Convert Solution to Action PLAN

NOW YOU HAVE your SOLUTION.... does that mean you are now enjoying, celebrating, feeling proud, as you eat the fruit, the benefits, the advantages of your solution? No there is still a gap. Its the gap that spans from where you are now to where you will be enjoying the benefits, advantages, features of your solution. So we need to convert that solution into a massive action plan to cross the gap.

In IT projects you are already familiar with this process. You use project manager software tools to get you across the gap. Could you use microsoft projects? Yes... but before you do there is still something that you need to do. You need to define the project.

Getting Clear on the Project

ELEVEN parts to clarity
Without this don't bother going any further

2 Significator
It's important to know what role.. to know who you are being.. desiring this goal.

3 Current Environment
Need to scope your current situation clearly

4 Foundation - Current Environment
It helps to assess the foundation that your current situation is built on

5 Obstacle
What obstacle stands in your way that stop you reaching your goal located the other side of the gap

6 Immediate Future
Now is all we ever have. What can you do right now

7 Future Environment
What will your future situation look like.

8 People
Name the people who are required to play an important part in crossing 'your' gap

9 Challenge
What will be difficult... but doable.

10 Outcome
What will the goal give you once its achieved.
Thats ten! what about the eleventh? I hear you say.

The PAST..

The PAST does NOT equal the future UNLESS you choose to live there. Therefore the past that NO LONGER serves your OUTCOME needs to be dropped. The past is the eleventh part.

The past is probably the most challenging part of getting across 'your' gap. We are constantly, consistently clinging to our past.. frightened to let it go... and in the process hold ourselves up, sabotage our best efforts... wasting precious time that we can never get back... time we could long have been enjoying the benefit and advantage of our solution with family, friends, wife/husband, kids... but are left wallowing in our own disempowerment from the past.

So it is essential to ask yourself. To what extent is getting cleared from the past important?

HEALING the past

Be Aware that NOT only is it important to let go the past but to heal yourself of it as well.
